Whoa: Duran Duran Side-Project TV Mania To Release Shelved Debut Album

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Just in case Duran Duran fans weren't excited enough already, here's some more amazing news: TV Mania (keyboardist Nick Rhodes and former guitarist Warren Cuccurullo's '90s side project) will finally release its "lost" concept album Bored With Prozac And The Internet? on March 11.

Utilizing television samples and "television samples and looping rhythm tracks" to evoke a sort of pre-reality show vision of the future, the album was set aside and then lost until Rhodes rediscovered the master tapes while sorting through some old material. "I thought 'Wow, this sounds unbelievably contemporary,'" he explains in the album's press release. "Times have certainly changed since we made the record, but the subject matter that inspired this album happens to be at the forefront of today’s world, so the songs have weathered the test of time in a strangely beautiful way."

"We were envisioning a world where a family would give up their day-to-day privacy and allow their existence to be televised to the masses, and this was two years before the film The Truman Show and four years before Survivor," adds Cuccurullo. "Now everyone is giving away their most intimate details online and on reality TV."

I know I'm not the only Duran fanatic out there with a huge love affair for the band's criminally overlooked '90s output, so I couldn't possibly be more excited to finally hear some of the TV Mania material! In the meantime, be sure to visit tvmaniamusic.com for more "Bored With Prozac And The Internet?" details.

Courtesy Ology