Duran Duran’s Nick Rhodes And Warren Cuccurullo To Release ‘Lost’ Concept Album

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In the mid-90s Duran Duran keyboardist Nick Rhodes and guitarist Warren Cuccurullo created a concept album about voyeurism being woven into the cultural fabric. The two men planned to share their vision for the technologically connected future in an album titled TV Mania: Bored With Prozac and The Internet?, that vision was also priming to become a Broadway musical. The album was never released.

In constructing TV Mania the two musical artists blended television samples with looping rhythm tracks to create a new type of sonic collection of songs.

After completing the final mixes the tapes were put into storage, then shelved over other priorities. Fast forward nearly 20 years and Nick Rhodes and Warren Cuccurullo are now preparing to release their “lost” tapes.

Both men had believed the tapes went missing forever when they recently began sifting through old material in an out-of-town storage facility. The TV Mania tapes as it turned out has been misfiled.

On March 2013 the TV Mania project will drop on both vinyl and through a limited edition box set at The Vinyl Factory. TV Mania will also release digitally through The Orcharge/Beatport.

Here is a description of the concept album from the team at Frequency Media:

“Produced by TV Mania (Rhodes and Cuccurullo), Mark Tinley and Anthony J Resta, and mixed by Bob St. John, Bored With Prozac and The Internet? is a conceptual soundtrack for what the duo imagined as a “bizarre TV cyber soap opera,” about a family who gives away their freedom to scientists in exchange for a Hi-tech modern lifestyle and reality show fame. With song titles like “Yoghurt and Fake Tan,” and “Using A Hidden Camera—Eyes In The Sky,” the pastiche of cool beats and conceptual content proved more prescient than its creators could ever have anticipated.”

Cuccurullo says of the concept album:

“We were envisioning a world where a family would give up their day-to-day privacy and allow their existence to be televised to the masses, and this was two years before the film, The Truman Show and four years before Survivor. Now everyone is giving away their most intimate details online and on reality TV.”

Since the mid-1990s the internet has become an everyday part of life and Kim Kardashian rules the airwaves, it will be interesting to see how right Rhodes and Cuccurullo were in their predictions.

Rhodes says of discovering the lost tapes:

“When I found the master recordings, I thought ‘Wow, this sounds unbelievably contemporary. When we put them up on the system, it was not only a great surprise, given what we had thought their fate was, but it was also literally like finding a painting and blowing the dust off of it. Times have certainly changed since we made the record, but the subject matter that inspired this album happens to be at the forefront of today’s world, so the songs have weathered the test of time in a strangely beautiful way.”

You can find the full track listing and limited edition box set details information at www.tvmaniamusic.com

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/482064/duran-durans-nick-rhodes-and-warren-cuccurullo-to-release-lost-concept-album/#Dgcpbm7Bt2rJbWLY.99