Are you sure the lyrics to "Palomino" are correct? Your website gives the lyrics as:
"why she says
when I run out of blue
help me rise instead
then I will run to you
why she says
when I run out of blue
give me rain instead"
..but this is definitely not what Simon sings. In fact the lyrics for the entire
song don't make any sense whatsoever. Are these transcribed lyrics or are they the
real thing?
Look forward to your reply,
Thanks, Martin
Hi Martin,
We got the lyrics from a very reputable source (!), but apparently not reputable enough! We went to the definitive man with the answers, Simon, and this is what he replied:
"Give or take a few minor variations from one chorus to the next, the correct lyric is basically as follows:
why she says
when I run out of blue
help me rise instead
then I can run to you
why she says
when I run out of blue
give me red instead
now I can run to you