Hi Nick! I have a little note from the Daily Mirror (July 27, 1984) that mantains that you learned keyboard basics from Jezz Woodroffe (Black Sabbath). Even more, Woodroffe himself, that worked, according to this in the keyboard department of a music store, said: " I thaught Nick the very basics in everything, and also I told him what gear to buy. Then when Duran Duran started happening, he came back and said 'Now what do I want'?". So, is this story true? or which part of it? if so, that keyboard was a good purchase? I'm not into that kind of music, and honestly I haven't heard of this guy before , but those lines referring you called my attention, I found it quite peculiar, and it would be interesting to know the story behind your first keyboard. Thanks and lots of kisses, Ximena "“I did buy much of my early gear from Jezz Woodroffe and remember him to be very helpful and informative. He certainly tried to advise me upon the latest equipment available and as he was an extremely competent musician himself, he could usually answer most of my questions. Nick”