Hi Katy,This question is for John, my all time hero. John: In the early years of Duran Duran, you used to be the guitar player. What made you switch to bass guitar, despite being totally gifted in composing sublime basslines ? Cheers, Rui
"At the time, in Birmingham, all the cool kids wanted to play guitar, no one was interested in playing bass. After Roger joined, Nick, Roger, myself, and our then singer Andy Wickett recorded our first demo's. This was the first incarnation of the 'funky' Duran Duran. Up to that point, we'd had a darker, more atmospheric lean (and that's putting it politely). I really enjoyed making the demo's, and I played both bass and guitar on them. I appreciated that Roger and I could start building a strong rythmn section that would help shape the band's sound, and a guitar player would come to us. That man would be Alan Curtis, who played with us until we started working with the Rum Runner, at which point he left, to be replaced by His Royal Highness Sir Andrew Of Taylor (no relation), several months later. "