christmas treat, two from simon

Ask Katy

To follow are the last two ASK KATY's for 2001!

Hi Katy, This question is for Simon, I was wondering for someone who probably has everything he wants, is there anything he is hoping Santa would bring him? Hanh

"Dear father Christmas, this year for Xmas I would like a new crash helmet as my current one is old and needs replacing for safety reasons.s"

Hi Katy, Given that it's that time of year, and having just seen the video on television for the millionth time, I'm just wondering if you could ask the band members what they recall about the day they recorded Do They Know Its Christmas with Band Aid. How did they get along with all the other artists? What do they think of when they hear the song now? Cheers, Darragh, Dublin.

"Yes there's a few things I can remember. Among other things I can recall Rick Parfitt & Francis Rossi from Status Quo falling about laughing in the studio when after about 10 takes they still couldn't get theur backing vox part right - nobody in the control room was laughing.s"