"Election Day" has to be just one of the coolest songs ever....and one of my favourite aspects of the song is Grace Jones talking during the song. My question is...what on earth did you do to her voice to make the echoing of her verse so...unique/amazing/creepy?!?! John
"Grace Jones is unique. She is one of the world’s icons - and she deserves it: a pioneer, an inventor, an explorer. Lots of artists wouldn’t be around if not for Grace. How much of Lady GaGa’s look was taken from the originality of Grace Jones? We think there’s definitely some influence there.
When she came to the Studio and gave us the gift of “Election Day,” she was one week late and arrived without us expecting her! Simon had written something for her and she got it in a coupe of takes. Her delivery is unlike anyone else’s, powerful and strong. There is some backwards reverb, but most of it just her delivery, really. Ain’t no one else like Grace Jones!” - Nick & Simon"
(keep reading...)
I'll assume it was created on your Fairlight, but what/who are the voices at the beginning of the track Election Day? It's been bugging me for 39 years. Kind Regards, Andy Palmer