Statement from Simon Regarding Modena Cento Ore

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It is with a sad heart I tell you that yesterday I had to leave the Modena Cento Ore early.News from home meant I had to cut short the rally & head back to London to be with my mother & rest of the Le Bon family.

I want to express my gratitude to the rally orgainsers, all especially to Luigi - who has managed to create a motoring event which is top class. It is super competitive, but all done with a great spirit of friendship, camaraderie & care for each other.

It was a fine few days. The weather was amazing! I saw a new side of Italy & the wonderful Italian people. I was made to feel truly welcome & quite special by almost everyone I came in contact with. I shall always be grateful for that.

There are some extraordinary classic vehicles taking part, owned & driven & maintained by great enthusiasts who are great company & happy to help each other. We spent a lot of time laughing an awful lot. Something Orla, our TM would call "Loads of LOLs".

I wish to everyone involved a happy & exciting continuation & conclusion to the event.
I absolutely intend to take part next year.


SLB Alfa
Simon, behind the wheel of an Alfa Romeo 8C

SLB and Pourcher
"My biggest thanks go to my friend François Pourcher - owner/driver of this lovely 1950 Jaguar XK120 Paulette @maison_corthay @cifonelli_official"