“Prayers for the Stolen″ by Jennifer Clement

A Quick One -

Prayers For The Stolen by Jennifer Clement

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I have a hole in me now I've finished Prayers For The Stolen. Not the kind of hole that was dug in the Guerrero, Mexico jungle. They dig those holes so that the teenage girls can hide with the spiders and scorpions when the 'narcos' come in their Escalades. The drug-lords, or their henchmen, come to kidnap the girls; they steal them away for sex, for slavery, for a lifetime of terror.

This book really is a quick one, this shocking novel, which is the monologue of Ladydi Gatcia Martinez, but Ladydi will do - yeh, just like the one who wanted to be our Queen of Hearts until she died so violently.

It's fast and very violent; casually, tragically violent. But somehow, the voice of love and hope speaks louder than everything else.
