Hi Katy, I have a question for John: Knowing that you're such a fan of contemporary art and that you must have been to MoMA countless times, how did it feel for you to walk through those doors knowing that it was your work that was being honored there that night? Thank you again for coming out to meet us fans, you made so many people so happy. I'm looking forward to the new album and the next tour! love to you all,Lee
"Yes, I said so at the introduction to the film, that the MoMA is somewhere one can always rely on, that a visit there is always bound to inspire. There are so many extraordinary artists represented there, each one an incredible story, often against the odds; Van Gogh, Cezanne, Monet.. Each time something different stands out to me. Whatever it is, I find myself enriched and eager to return to the fray. It's a tremendous privilege to work in the arts, although it gets frustrating at times. A trip to the MoMA will remind you there is no better form of work, at least for me. JT"