Okay, okay, okay; I know I'm going to get shit for this from somebody (I already have from one of my two hibernators).
Nick and I went on last night and played "Record Collection" at Abbey Road with Ronson and Business International. True to form, my own that is, I'm still not quite sure what the event was except that American Express were the sponsors. It was a very trendy little bash indeed. You could do photos and make flick books; you could even record in John & Paul's own personal vocal booth. I wonder how many people did "I got blisters on my fingers!"? I know I would've.
It really was a splendid party. hundreds of folk milling around; London party casuals; guys in coats and girls in flimsy dresses - chilly tits all outstanding as the cold snap all they way from Siberia began to take hold. They used almost all of the downstairs areas: the studios; the garden for smokers huddling under propane heaters. There was even a small self contained flat which we used as dressing room.
I met and was totally out bearded by Andrew Wyatt from Miike Snow - haha! He is one talented guy it has to be said and ... He likes "ALL YOU NEED IS NOW"
I was having a very swell time, in a noisy crowded after show green room vibe until somebody gave me a largish glass of Monkey Shoulder and after that everything's a blur.
Funny, judging by the taste in my mouth this morning, I think somebody must have started a small fire in there. You know to dispose of dead leaves and old tyres and the like.
And then there's that not unpleasant but rather odd smell.
Hmmm ...