Hi Katy, My question is for Simon. I know he doesn't often prefer to comment on the meaning of his lyrics so I won't ask him that type of question. I am a particular fan of his more esoteric work such as Lady Ice and New Religion. I was wondering if he would care to share any especially important literary or poetic influence from the early period when he started writing lyrics such as Sound of Thunder etc. A lot of fans are fascinated by those early days of Duran -- in this case Simon's early lyrics and what was inspiring him at the time. Thanks, Ben
Hey Ben, it's really difficult to put my finger on any one thing that influenced me and my early work. I think I was a bit of an ideas magpie; I read a lot of books, particularly science fiction, I know that Frank Herbert's forst three "Dune" novels were of great inspiration to me. But also others; Patti Smith comes to mind, Jim Morrison - hence Hungry like The Wolf. Apart from that ... poets? Not really. Well there is Richard Middleton and On a Dead Child. S