Hi Katy, I would be really fascinated to know if Nick has ever considered curating the Meltdown Festival at the beautiful Royal Festival Hall in London (this year Morrissey is the Artistic Director)..... I think he would be the perfect festival host at the world's most civilized festival (at each performance you're ushered in by evening suiting gentlemen and get to drink Gin and Tonic's whist listening to the music) I'd been intrigued to know who he'd have on his line-up!!! Thanks v. much Betty xx
"Well Betty, I am very familiar with the Festival and in fact saw David Bowie perform the "Low" album there last year. John and I discussed going to see SPARKS and the NY DOLLS this year from Morrissey's selection, but sadly studio work prevented us. I am sure I could muster a weird and wonderful collection should I ever get asked, but I am not giving away the secrets til then ! NR"