Hiya, Katy! My question is for Nick. I was curious about the cover for the 45 of 'Serious', it sort of reminds me of 'The Scream' by Edvard Munch. I was wondering if Nick had anything to do with the cover of that 45 and if he thinks it resembles said piece of art.
Thanks! Tracye
"Oh boy Tracye, I am so pleased you are familiar with Edvard Munch's The Scream cos it is awfully special, but I got to say that aside from the fact that the cover of "serious" depicts a girl screaming, I could find little other reason to assimilate the two images. Nonetheless, maximum marks for imagination.
"The image we used was actually a photograph taken by Ellen Von Unwerth during a session for the cover of the "liberty" album at a fairground in Paris. It was a hand painted billboard & I have no idea whether it remains or has disappeared in to the great Art Abyss of the world. NR"