I know that you are are a supporter of music education. As a choir teacher myself, I like knowing that people in the public eye support music education and enjoy knowing that I am making a difference in the lives of my students. It's possible I may have the next "Britany Spears" or "N'Sync" in my classroom, or even the next "John Taylor"! What do you recommend to kids who want to get into the music business? Tamara Steven
" I think you can get into anything as long as you really care about it and really love it. You've got to really, really love it. there are far too many people doing it, it's far too tough and competitive a game to be played if you're not really serious about it. I didn't ever want to do anything else. It that same sense it's like a professional athelete, you really have to care about it more than anything else. And then the work you do will be good. JT"