sound circa 2003

Ask Katy

After I noticed Felix Da Housecat's EXCURSIONS cd on trusttheprocess list ofplayed albums, I got that one and I was..hmmm.... quite surpized is theleast I could say. It has that 70ies-blondie-moroder-80ies-ultravox-newwave-DD '81 synth beat that worksgreat! And it is not retro at all. The sound of It also recalls quite anumber of records and the atmosphere of tunes on Rum Runner web radio... Myquestion for John is: Is this the way that the 2002-2003 DD album is qoingto sound? Would like to hear John's opinion on EXCURSIONS if not about thesound of the future DD album... "The shape of the things to come" -Mirza

"While it's fun to watch (and hear) the strains of post 80's opted musicaltrends (I particularly like Felix and Fischer-Spooner), Duran is a verydifferent deal. Very few of the new breed of electro clash artists arebands. There are nods in that direction in the new DD material, but overallit's more organic, the inter-lapping of 5 restless musical minds. Lyrics areimportant, and many of the songs address emotional issues that go beyond thedancefloor. Of course some of them don't! JT "

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