Hello guys! I've always wondered, is the title RIO any reference to Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). On the lyrics you say "From north down the Rio Grande" and there are two states in Brazil called Rio Grande, they are Rio Grande do Sul and Rio Grande do Norte. I'd appreciate to have my question answered. Thank you Lulla Milanese
WELL YOU ASKED..."No, its a tribute to the worlds fattest person of Irish descent (WFPOID) who is alive and well living in his hometown of Edmonton Canada. Mr. Ree OGrandy has been a familiar name in the Guiness book of records since it first appeared in 1979 when weighing in at an astounding 738 lbs (imperial pounds) he beat the previous record holder (the late Mrs Niam Doughty WFPOID 1973-78) by more than 60 lbs. Mr OGrandy currently tips the scales at a modest 627 lbs after declaring "I was looking a bit of a flounder and decided to lean up a bit" whooshman s "