andy weighs in on george harrison

Ask Katy

Hi Katy. Since Andy's the lead guitarist of Duran Duran, I wondered what he thought about the death of george Harrison. Thanks, Shane.

HERE IS WHAT ANDY HAD TO SAY: "I remember the day that John Lennon was shot dead in 1980, ironically that day we were to go to the famous EMI building in London as we were about to sign our record deal with the company. I guess then the Beatles were (and still are to this day), the leading light within that company and even moreironically we ended up on Capital records in the US so our recording label structure was identical to that of the Beatles, (which we were quite pleasedwith). To add to this some of the senior people at the company had worked with the fab-4 in their hayday. In fact to be perfectly honest with you, any child of the 60's & 70's would regard the Beatles as the biggest influence on thedirection of contemporary music, so really working with the same record label was part of the dream.

So when I heard of the death of George Harrison I cried, it is truly a sad day when a Beatle dies, and you could not talk to one person that day without it being the centre of the conversation...It is truly amazing how that band has become such an inherent part of our modern society...It is also very sad that while people & politicians revel in the life and times of truly great folk heroes such as George Harrison they have taken precious little notice of what this man was saying, beautifully & consistently, till the day he died...Perhaps they will listen now!

I am a self taught guitarist from a Northern town, (some would say the musician in the band!)... I played those clubs in Hamburg, Germany when I was 17 years old, I made the first Duran album when I was 19 years old and by the time I was 25 it was virtually all over, so I guess I have a little experience of the "rock & roll" journey at an early age. Not that we were ever the Beatles, but I do feel that I knew George, but I only ever met Paul & Ringo. Paul occasionally sat in our sessions while we recording Rio in London, &when he heard "Save a Prayer" he sat back in his chair and in that famous scouse accent said quite simply.."I think that one's a big hit lads" Not manythings made me happier than that.

Although the centre stage was mainly John & Paul, there would have been no Beatles without all four of them in the original line up, (but then I am a big fan of original line up's). And there will never be another band that will come even close to their accomplishments both personally & professionally...

Anyway, I guess he will be happy up there he has a lot of friends waiting (what a band that will be now), and as all he wanted was to find his peace,perhaps he has found it now.

RIP Mr Harrison


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