a dog named rio

Ask Katy

Being a long time Duran fan, when I got my dog five years ago, I named her Rio. She has been an important part of my life. Recently, Rio went missing while on a mountain hike. She was lost on Grouse Mountain in Vancouver, Canada for 6 days but finally was found, safe and no worse for the wear. I was wearing a pair of John Fluevog designed shoes when I found out she was missing and wore them during a several hour search in the pouring rain on the mountain. The shoes fared so well, I wrote John and he is now naming a shoe in the Spring 2002 line after Rio. I thought the guys, might get a kick out of knowing that not only did their song and album inspire the naming of my dog, but now, indirectly, is inspiring a designer shoe. You can view Rio's pic and read her story at www.fluevog.com. Cheers, Jim Rausch Vancouver, Canada

FROM A MAN NAMED SIMON: "Hi Jim,this is just fab news - and what's more, it reads just like a page out of Bret Easton Ellis. whoosh. s"