It has come to our attention that some people have still not received their free download. One reason could be that it has landed in a SPAM folder; another could be that part of your email address was typed in incorrectly (“gmal” rather than “gmail” or leaving off the “.com”)
If you did not receive your download, or download link, please visit (or copy in to your browser) ON YOUR DESKTOP COMPUTER and input your email address that you signed up with for an immediate download. Your email address must be authentic, the one you used to originally sign up, and you must be able to receive email to it without authenticating our email to you. Please DO NOT try to download directly to your mobile device. IF YOU TRY TO DO THIS, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THE SONG. You will need to sync your mobile device to your computer after you download the song to your computer. If your email is not found in our database for whatever reason, you will be presented with a link to sign up again with an authentic email.
***Please allow three (3) business days for any support inquiries. This FAQ page is only for the Shazam Fashion Rocks Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Emails received for purposes other than the Fashion Rocks Duran Duran download campaign will not receive a response. Thank you for your understanding.


How can I get a download of "Girl Panic?”

If you Shazammed the Fashion Rocks Duran Duran Promotion you were emailed a link to download the song.  If you did not receive a link, contact and a support representative will check your email against the database to see if you signed up and downloaded the song.

Supplies are limited to 10,000 downloads.  Once this download limit is reached, no more downloads will be allowed and the campaign will end.


When does the Shazam Fashion Rocks’ promotion end?

The campaign ends on September 16, 2014 at 23:59:59 Pacific Standard Time (Los Angeles). When the campaign ends, you will no longer be able to download the song.


I accidently tried to download the song on my mobile device!

We recommended you download the files directly to a computer and then transfer them to your mobile device for playback. If you opened the link on your mobile device, contact and a support representative will check your email against the database to see if you signed up and downloaded the song.


How do I download on a PC?

Right-click on the blue Download link and Choose "Save link as... " to save the file locally. Click Save to download the file to the folder of your choice.


I'm on a PC using Chrome, where's my download?

In your chrome browser, Click on Options. Click the Under the Hood tab on the left side. There you will find the Downloads field.  Your files will be saved to the folder listed in the location listed in the “Downloads” window.


How do I add downloaded files to iTunes on my PC?

To add media files to your iTunes library, select the files and drag them into the Music or Movies tabs. Alternatively, you can also try the following to add files manually:

1. Open iTunes

2. Click File > Add to Library (CTRL+O)

3. Locate the file(s) you wish to add. Hold CTRL to select multiple items. Once you have made your selections, click "Open" to add these files to your library. You will now see the selected files in your Music or Movies tab, depending on what file type you have added.


I'm on a PC using Internet Explorer, where's my download?

Click on the Gear in the right corner of your Internet Explorer browser and then select View Downloads. In the View Downloads window, you will find your download. Click on Options. You can save files wherever you like, but as a default, files will be saved to the Downloads folder.


I'm on a PC using Safari, where's my download?

In Safari, Click on Preferences (CTRL+,). In the General tab, you will find the default download location for your browser.  The default download location is your Downloads folder


I'm on a PC using Firefox, where's my download?

In your Firefox Browser. Click on Tools, and then select Options. In the General tab, you will find the Downloads field. Your files will be saved to your Downloads folder.

How do I download on a Mac?

Right-click on the blue Download link and Choose "Save link as... " to save the file locally. Click Save to download the file to the folder of your choice.

I'm on a Mac using Safari, where's my download?

Click on Safari in the top left of your screen, and select Preferences (COMMAND,). Safari's Preferences window will appear and show your default download location. Your file will be saved to your Downloads folder.

I'm on a Mac using Firefox, where's my download?

Click on Firefox in the top left of your screen, and select Preferences (COMMAND,). Firefox's Preferences window will open with the General tab open, showing your default download location. Your file will be saved to your Downloads folder.

I'm on a Mac using Chrome, where's my download?

Click on Chrome in the top left of your screen, and then select Preferences (COMMAND,). Chrome's Preferences window will open as one of your browser's tabs. Click on Under the Hood to find your default download location. Your file will be saved to your Downloads folder.

How do I add a download to my iTunes library?

To add media files to your iTunes library, select the files and drag them into the Music or Movies tabs. You can also try the following to add files manually:
1. Open iTunes
2. Click File > Add to Library (COMMAND O)
3. Locate the file(s) you wish to add. Hold the COMMAND key to select multiple items. Once you have made your selection, click "Open" to add these files to your library.

MP3 File Type

The .mp3 download will be approximately 11MB. Your download should complete within 3 minutes. The .mp3 will play on any MP3 player, such as iTunes or Windows Media Player. You can read more about MP3 here (

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