Welcome to ASK KATY. This is the place where you can Ask Katy stuff about Duran Duran. You can Ask Katy whatever you would like and she will try to answer you. Katy has worked for Duran Duran for many years now, and we like to think she knows a lot. Got a question about the band? Ask Katy. What is the B-side to Union of the Snake? Ask Katy. Trouble with remembering when the band last came to your town? Ask Katy. You get the picture. So don’t be shy…Ask Katy and she will answer a selection of questions each month. Here are the most Frequently Asked Katy Questions.
If your question isn’t answered, it may be because it has been answered before. Use the search feature and find out.
If your question isn’t answered, it may be because it has been answered before. Use the search feature and find out.

nick ok?

how to send….

the name

hard rock uk

the dd tribute project

movies anyone

nick and stephen

matter of $?

movies anyone