Last Night In Simon Le Bon Tweets: Super Bowl XLVII Edition

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If you weren't able to catch Simon Le Bon's oftentimes hilarious up-to-the-minute tweetfest during Super Bowl XLVII (Ravens vs. 49'ers), music site Ology has collected them all together for us. PHEW!

Yesterday's Super Bowl XLVII was a spectacular night for the Baltimore Ravens and Beyoncé… and a not-so-great night for the San Francisco 49ers or New Orleans electricians. Thankfully, one man stayed up well past his bed time to keep things interesting— you guessed it, pop icon and tweeter extraordinaire Simon Le Bon of Duran Duran. If you’ve never seen our recurring This Week In Simon Le Bon Tweets feature, Simon’s Twitter account is (without fail) an evergreen source of laughs, tears, and head scratch-worthy bits of wisdom that we giddily compile and share with the world each week.

Check out Mr. Le Bon’s up to the GMT minute, hilarious Super Bowl commentary here!