Duran Duran Appreciation Day 2013 Message from JT

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So far... An interesting year for the band- in the studio- working on songs that will make your hair stand on end, make your body dance, make your brain think, 'Wha???".. enable Simon to keep sayin' 'We're the band to MAKE YOU PARTAY!....'
It's the fun life, the rock life, and it's a gift you guys give to us every day. THANK YOU for not making me get a day job! I LOVE MY JOB! How many of us can say that?

So many of you have made an effort this year to celebrate Duran, that I wanted to weigh in with a few words of recognition. I will be in Edinburgh next week, so maybe I'll see some of you there. I hope so!

In the meantime- keep the faith in us and we'll keep the faith in you!

Much Love
-John XXX