An Update from Duran Duran

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Happy New Year!

The band is still on a bit of an extended break - Simon, John and Roger are all still on holiday through the middle of January - but the most exciting news of all: Simon, Nick, Roger, John & Dom are going to go back in to the studio with Mark Ronson sometime in early March, 2013. After a long, and well deserved break, the band members are thrilled to not only be back writing and recording together again, but also that they'll be with Mark. As John mentioned in his Year-End Katy's Kafe on the fan community site, this will be the first time Duran Duran has worked with the same producer twice in a row since they worked with Colin Thurston on DURAN DURAN and RIO. The whole band agree that Mark re-energized them, and since they were unanimously pleased with the results of ALL YOU NEED IS NOW, they can't wait to see what they come up with next!