2010 Oscars...Rhodes/Krassner
Discussing: Great looking cartoon goths, anxiety attacks via Tarantino, Avatar: good or grim? and loving Precious.
Enjoy your (quite long!) 2010 Oscar Podcast, which you can download below:
Need the shortlist? If you don't have time to listen, here were our thoughts on the major categories:
ANIMATED FEATURE: Both of us know "Up" will take the prize. Nick voted for "Coraline" and Katy for "Fantastic Mr. Fox" as should wins.
DOCUMENTARY FEATURE: Both of us chose "The Cove" for this category.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM: Nick would love to see "Un Prophete" win but feels "The White Ribbon" will take it. Katy agrees with whatever Nick says because she didn't see any of the films in this category.
ADAPTED SCREENPLAY: Nick would like to see "Precious" win, Katy would like to see "An Education" win. They both agree "Up in the Air" will win.
ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY: Nick thinks "Inglorious Basterds" should win, but thinks "Hurt Locker" will win....Katy says "I.B" for should and will.
SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Mo'Nique, Mo'Nique, Mo'Nique, Mo'Nique for her outstanding turn in "Precious" will, and should, win.
SUPPORTING ACTOR: Both agree Christoph Waltz will win for "Inglorious Basterds" and probably should win, though Katy felt Stanley Tucci should have been nominated for ... "Julie & Julia" (perhaps not "Lovely Bones").
ACTRESS: This category is most upsetting. Katy feels Gabourey Sidibe absolutely deserves to win for "Precious" but sadly thinks the Award will go to Meryl Streep for "Julie & Julia." Nick agrees that Gabourey should definitely be getting the nod for her outstanding performance, but thinks Sandra Bullock will get it for "The Blind Side" (which Nick refuses to see).
ACTOR: Both know Jeff Bridges will be taking the Oscar walk for "Crazy Heart" but they also agree that if it was based on acting in a specific film released during Oscar season, it should go to Colin Firth for "A Single Man."
DIRECTOR: Nick Rhodes and Kathryn Krassner pick KATHRYN Bigelow for "The Hurt Locker" - both should and will win.
PICTURE: It was a tough year for this category - and ten films! - but both Nick and Katy think the Best Film of a very-weird-movie-going year was "The Hurt Locker." It will win, and it should win.
PS - Because this year's Podcast was so lengthy, we had to edit out our choices for Original Song and Score. For Song, we both chose "The Weary Kind" from "Crazy Heart," and for Score: Nick said "Up" will win but wanted "The Hurt Locker" to win. Katy agreed "Up" will win but thought "Fantastic Mr. Fox" should win.
Until 2011, film fiends....
Katy & Nick