Not to long ago, we were interviewed by writer Chris Sullivan of 'Blue Rhondo A La Turk' fame (one of the New Romantic bands that preceded our climb to fame in the 80's). He interviewed us for a piece in L'uomo Vogue Italia, having spent the previous day doing photos for the article in a very grand stately home in West London. The interview, however, couldn't have had any more juxtaposition..sipping pints of ale in our local pub reminiscing about our days growing up in the industrial dark days of Britain in the late 70s/early 80's...we did a lot of talking, I hope we get the cover!
Listening to the final master of the album every day favorite song has to be "Before The Rain."
ps ..please everyone check out Blue Rondo La A Turk's 'Klacto Vee Sedstein' on you tube..a great time capsule!
pps..Chris also wrote a great coffee table book on punk rock which all members of Duran Duran own!