A Birthday Message from Nick

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I suppose being born on December 31st or January 1st makes the most practical sense, then one can start each new year of life in sync with the international calendar, but then being born on a date significant for reasons other than your personal entrance to the world can be rather frustrating too... So easy for people to forget, or become preoccupied with holiday hyperbole, it is thoroughly tiresome to have to share the day with selfish people recovering from hangovers unrelated to the celebration of your existence, also rather dissatisfying that one's limelight can be so easily overshadowed by a clock striking twelve times in succession. These annual dates are equally troubling for those born on holidays created by Hallmark cards and their cunning accomplices, who mercilessly relieve you of hard earned cash, in exchange for an essential cardboard greeting to your closest companion on February 14th, or Mother's Day, or Father's Day, or any number of increasingly more obscure annual festive opportunities.

So, just as I was beginning to feel rather smug about having my birthday so promptly each year on the pure untainted date of June 8th, I thought I should check to make sure it was indeed alternative celebration free... I am already starting to wish I hadn't pursued this route, which was clearly destined for heartbreak, but feel in the interest of full disclosure, I have absolutely no choice but to reveal to you those with whom I am now inextricably linked and will henceforth share my birthday celebrations forevermore on this day. I'm sure you will be sympathetic to my anxiety based upon the following facts.

June 8th is:

Upsy Daisy Day
Write To Your Father Day
Banana Split Day
Best Friends Day
World Ocean Day
Whitsuntide Day (in Romania)

The week June 7th-13th is

National Business Etiquette week
National Sun Safety Week
National Automotive Service Professionals Week

In the knowledge of what I have recently learned, realizing the stiff competition for any affection on this date, I remain eternally grateful for all your gracious greeting and letters of condolence at this difficult time.

Yours humbly,


PS. Thankfully Frank Lloyd Wright with whom I also share my birthdate knew nothing of this.

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Photos courtesy of duranduran.com. May not be used without permission.

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