A Blog from Simon

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Simon Le Blog

So we've been working in the studio for the last week. The whole affair is being conducted in a gentlemanly manner under the auspices of the Talented Mr Ronson - Mark, that is. We have had such an inspired session so far. in the 5 days we've worked there, we have seen the nuts of 8 new songs starting to grow on our tree. It's a daunting enough for me to know where to start if I'm honest. But I'm sure these are going to turn out great. Yesterday we had a surprise visitor, in the shape of Nick Hodgson drummer and songwriter with the fabulous Kaiser Chiefs. OK you've guessed it, we're moving in a different direction with these guys than the one one we were on with Timbaland and Justin T. It feels very good I have to say. MODERN ENGLISH ROCK is what it's all about for us.

Something else: I thought you might like to see a pic of the latest Le Bon to join our clan. Yes, I'm talking about the first bit of testo. in the house since me; yes, his balls are dropping; yes, he pisses in the hall and up the chair legs now he's started cocking his leg; yes, he's my little poo machine, and his name is LUIGI.

Here endeth Simon LeBlog part ....?

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