A Blog from Roger

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We have just had another great two weeks working on the album with Mark Ronson. JT and I have been working every day with Mark, creating around 13 rhythm
Tracks 'old school style,' and by that I mean cutting bass and drums as we used to as a 'live take' - that is where you learn the song and the arrangement, and play it until you get it right ...and then record it ..20 times! This is different than doing a rough take and then cutting it up in the computer, which is how most records are made nowadays. Mark wants this album to have all the identifiable hallmarks of the first 3 Duran Duran albums, and he has gone to great lengths to re-create 'our sound,' even down to using some of our vintage equipment that has been gathering dust for years, only to be given a new lease of life under the tutor-age of Mr. Ronson, who is extremely fastidious and does not settle for anything but a great performance.

I must say it is sounding great, and there is a real buzz around these sessions that's more and more palpable every time I go to the studio. We have often said over the last few years that we want to get back to our most potent roots and re-define ourselves as a band, but different unforeseen circumstances have dictated that we go in a completely opposite direction (which, by the way, I would not have changed for the world). But this time, it really feels as though we are in the right time and place with exactly the right producer. As they say, 'cometh the hour cometh the man'....

Dom, Nick and Simon pick up the recording baton in earnest now, and it’s going to be very exciting to see how things develop over the next few weeks..but off to St.
Petersburg, which I am immensely looking forward to, so time to pack those tour bags again!

Can’t wait for you to hear what we have been up to.

Hasta Luego.