Holiday Greetings…

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Ideo Gloria In Excelsis Deo...G-L-O-R-I-A....Gloria

Whether you're spending it in a cathedral, a hot and sweaty jump-up in the Islands, at home with the parents or a mud hut somewhere beautiful, here's me - a/k/a Simon Le Bon from Duran Duran - wishing you a Merry Cherry & a Happy New Year...and remember, easy on the chocolate liqueurs. Whoooshmas! Simon

I just love the holiday period through to New Year's Eve and I hope everyone that's out there has a pretty good time of it this year. To those of you who have been following the progress of the band this year, G-d Bless ya and thanks for staying interested. I hope you had a great year and I have a feeling that next year is going to be even better for you, I just know it, don't ask me how I know!...John x

Happy Holidays - its been a great year for us again, the album’s finally been delivered and I hope that you are loving it. We can't wait to take it around the world next year. Have a great one and we will see you in 2008! All Love and Happy Holidays, Roger x

It seems a little less than a year ago when I was writing a similar message, I guess what goes around does come around, suitcases are the first thing that come to mind, or perhaps small dolls dressed in international costumes... Now, wouldn't it be just delightful if we could take the dolls with the sharp teeth and appetite for ripping stockings from the movie Barbarella, and simply do a holiday exchange with the Magic Kingdom.

I realized yesterday that it would be enormously helpful to me if options were more limited. Yes, less to choose from. I found this a little bizarre, and almost shocked myself for a brief moment, as I always want more options, and even more variations on those options, but then I realized that I don't at all. All I want are the right options. Now of course this gets rather more complicated, because the options I may consider to be appropriate may be your idea of a nightmare. It all gets so time consuming, and time is precious and non negotiable, one must be very careful when consuming it, hence there are only 12 tracks to choose from on our new album. Had there been 18, it would have made things 50% harder for you with such a limited amount of time available for listening pleasures, but I suppose had there been 6 then it would have been 50% easier... Then there is the value for money equation. Personally I prefer quality over quantity, but then if everything was the same quality and readily accessible, we would have no comparisons and be forced to accept the standard issue, a world with no choice... Actually can't think of anything worse! I secretly quite like some of those trashy
things too.

I wish you all Happy December and concise, decisive new year filled with beautiful options.

Love from London. Nick X

PS. Red seems to be 'In' this season.
