Look for Duran Duran in the following US/Canada newspapers and magazines:
Asbury Park Press (NJ)*
Boston Herald (MA)*
Boston Globe (MA)
Chicago Sun Times (IL)
Chicago Tribune (IL)
Cleveland Plain Dealer (OH)
Cleveland Scene (OH)
Deseret News (UT)
Georgia Straight (Canada)
Journal News (DC)
Kelowna Capital News (Canada)
La Presse (Canada)
Le Journal de Montreal (Canada)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI)
Montreal Gazette (Canada)
New Haven Register (CT)
New York Daily News (NY)*
Newark Star Ledger (NJ)*
Norwich Bulletin (CT)
Observer-Dispatch (NY)
Off-Centre Magazine (Canada)
Oregonian (Portland, OR)
Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO)
Spokesman Review (WA)
Syracuse Post-Standard (NY)
The Cedar Rapids Gazette (IA)
The Toronto Star (Canada)
Time Out Chicago (IL)