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from an article on Rich Harrison working on the Gwen Stefani solo album -

"Harrison won't exactly be twiddling his thumbs until then — his plate is overflowing with Amerie's second album — for which Lil Jon has lent a track — and a commitment to Jennifer Lopez. Next month he'll head to London to work on the upcoming album by '80s icons Duran Duran, who contacted him bearing a heap of compliments for "Crazy in Love."

"One of the nice things [Duran Duran] said about 'Crazy in Love' is that the energy kept building; it was always exciting throughout the whole record," Harrison said. " 'Crazy in Love' is what I call an energy record. It doesn't have a lot of melody. It just hits you over the head. It's possible to insert that type of energy into any genre of music, if you know how to tweak it. So I actually have something that, sonically, is a little more in tune with what they do, with the instruments that they like to use, but with that same 'Crazy in Love' energy." "