Monday, August 23
Tune in LIVE! Nick, Andy & John on 2DAYFM at 8am
Tune in LIVE! Simon & Roger on Nova at 8am
Tuesday, August 24
Interview with Nick, Andy and John on Mix FM to air today
Depart for MELBOURNE
Simon on ROVE LIVE 9PM
Wednesday, August 25th
Tune in LIVE! Simon & Andy on Fox FM at 8am
Tune in LIVE! Roger, Nick & John on Mix at 8am
Tune in LIVE! Simon & Andy on SAFM at 8:20am
Afternoon depart for HONG KONG
While in Australia, the band will be speaking to the following TV, Radio and Print media. We dont have proper run dates yet, so please keep your eyes and ears peeled and we will try to update you when we can!
2Day FM Sydney
97.3 Radio Sydney
B105 Radio Melbourne
Channel 10 News Television Sydney
Daily Telegraph
DB Magazine
Fashion Journal
Fox 8/Sunrise TV Melbourne
Fresh Magazine
Herald Sun Hit
MCM Entertainment Radio
Mens Style
Mix 106.3 Radio Sydney
More FM
Mornings with Kerri Ann Television Sydney
New Woman
New Zealand Herald
Nova 100 Radio Melbourne
NW Magazine
OK! Magazine
Penthouse magazine
Radio 2BL Sydney
Rip it Up
Rolling Stone
Sun Herald
Sunday Telegraph
Sydney Morning Herald
The Advertiser
The Age EG
The Australian
The Saturday Age
TV1- Holmes Show Sydney
Video Hits
West Australian
Who Weekly
Womans Day