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CELEBRATIONS® - Twelve Days of Christmas

This year, for the first time, CELEBRATIONS chocolates and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) are giving you the opportunity to buy a Christmas card that you won’t want to give away - and you’ll be doing your bit for charity!

A diverse range of celebrities from the world of TV, Music, Sport and even the House of Lords have all participated in a project that will revolutionise charity Christmas cards.

World famous photographer The Earl of Lichfield and CELEBRATIONS have created twelve stunning cards that are themed around the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”- but with a modern twist.

The cards will be exclusively available at Woolworths stores from November 6th and all proceeds from the sale of the cards will be donated to the NSPCC’s ‘FULL STOP’ Campaign.

Kay Nicholls from CELEBRATIONS said: "People love giving and receiving CELEBRATIONS at Xmas time, just as they love giving and receiving cards, so the two make perfect partners for a modern Xmas"

The series of twelve cards feature an impressive total sum of fifty-eight celebrities, posing, as you have never seen them before.

They include:

Partridge in a Pear Tree:Charlie Dimmock

Two Turtle Doves:Chris Evans and Billie Piper

Three French Hens:Patrick Vieira, Sylvain Wiltord and Robert Pires

Four Calling Birds: Suzanne Shaw (Hear’Say), Claire Richards (H and Claire), Naima Belkhait (The Honeyz) and Michelle Heaton (Liberty X)

Five Gold Rings:Linford Christie and his five gold medals

Six Geese a Laying: Kerry McFadden, Nadia Sawalha, Jules Oliver, Tania Bryer, Fiona Phillips and Melanie Blatt

Seven Swans a Swimming: Caprice and six swans

Eight Maids a Milking:The female cast from Emmerdale

Nine Ladies Dancing:Lady Victoria Hervey, Lady Rose and Eloise Anson amongst others

Ten Lords a Leaping:Earl of Lichfield Lichfield, Marquess of Zetland and others

Eleven Pipers Piping:David Seaman and ten children

Twelve Drummers Drumming: Featuring Caroline Corr (The Corrs), Roger Taylor (Duran Duran), Nick Mason (Pink Floyd) and others

CELEBRATIONS® is a registered trademark of Mars UK LTD


The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is the UK’s leading charity specialising in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children. For over 100 years, it has been protecting children from cruelty and is the only children’s charity with statutory powers, enabling it to act to safeguard children at risk.

The NSPCC has a vision – a society where all children are loved, valued and able to fulfil their potential. In 1999, the NSPCC launched the FULLSTOP Campaign. Its mission is to end cruelty to children. The FULL STOP Campaign is the largest charitable campaign ever in the UK and continues to generate widespread public support

The Christmas cards are £4.99 per pack and will be on sale at all Woolworths stores from November 6th

Click here to see the picture:

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