From the Reuters website. Thanks to Steve for the tip off!
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - NASA will make a second attempt to land the space shuttle Atlantis on Tuesday night after losing a see-saw battle with the Florida weather 24 hours earlier, the U.S. space agency said. The five shuttle astronauts are wrapping up a 13-day mission that saw them deliver a $164 million air lock to the International Space Station, bringing to a close the first construction phase of the orbiting science project. If all goes according to plan, Atlantis will touch down at the Kennedy Space Center at 11:39 p.m. The crew was awakened by Mission Control playing the song "Hold Back The Rain" by Duran Duran. Astronaut Robert Curbeam, staffing the communication console in Houston, followed it with a weather report for shuttle commander Steven Lindsey that called for scattered clouds and a possibility of rain. "Sounds just like yesterday," said Lindsey. "Ehhhh, a little better, and we're hoping for the best," said Curbeam.
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